Manic Morning!

>> Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Yesterday I wanted a "do over", and I say ditto on that today too! What a morning! It started off okay, with the usual, "Get changed and brush your teeth". Today is one of those regularly scheduled late start days for our school district so the kids didn't have to wake up so early. We were doing good, we didn't have to leave for the bus stop until 10:00...WRONG! We left the house at 10:00 and waited at the bus stop until 10:30, when I finally decided that the bus either came early or was delayed. As soon as we got back home I checked the calendar (should've done that last night) and realized that school started 90 minutes late, NOT 2 hours late like they do for bad weather. So I had to drive J to school. He was only about 10 minutes late, thanks to Mom being unorganized. Then as K and I were walking back to the parking lot we saw 2 more kids arriving late, but they were doing it in style. They got dropped off in a fire truck! How cool is that? Anyway, here's hoping the day gets better. It can't get any worse, knock on wood.


Karen February 6, 2008 at 12:12 PM  

I did something like that recently. I had an appointment time so stuck in my head (2:30) that I kept telling myself all day 2:30, 2:30, 2:30.
So 2:30 came and I got ready to my brain started telling me I had to LEAVE at 2:30! But in actuality, I had to BE there at 2:30. I hate being late. And in this case I was nearly 30 minutes late! Gasp!

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