Make It Stop!

>> Saturday, February 23, 2008

I was in Chuck E. Cheese's with the boys for about 10 minutes when the urge to scream, "Make it stop!" took over! The games were dinging and blinging, the music was playing on the loud speakers, and the chatter of customers was ringing in my ears. Now I know what an over stimulated baby or child feels like. It's not as if it was extra chaotic for a pizza parlor, it was just the extra noise buzzing in the background that was getting on my every nerve! I didn't care if the boys still had tokens left; one hour was ALL I could take! Suffice it to say that I will NOT be doing this again anytime soon. The boys think Daddy will take them. Good luck with that one.


Karen February 23, 2008 at 4:48 PM  

Our rules for CEC are:
Never on the weekends.
Never in the winter.

We broke our two rules this January b/c my ds wanted to go there for his birthday. He only wanted one friend to join him, so ok, that's fine.
30 minute wait just to get INTO the restaurant. That should have been a sign! Ugh.

Back to enforcing the rules.

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