Finding My Blog Identity

>> Saturday, March 1, 2008

I got interested in blogging a few months ago and have been feeling the waters ever since. I've mostly been posting about my family and every day life. I didn't really have a particular audience in mind, and I still don't really have one, just whoever wants to take a few minutes to read about my ordinary life. I think I'm finally starting to find myself in the blogesphere world and decided that I wanted to change my URL address as well as my title. So if you're reading this and are planning on sticking with me through thick and thin, then check out my semi-permanent blog here. I say "semi-permanent" because I'm a creature of indecisiveness and could very possibly change my mind again somewhere along the road.


Vickie March 5, 2008 at 7:39 PM  

Thanks so much for visiting my blog today and leaving your comments. I received quite a few that use Excel. I am excited to try some of these ideas out. Thanks again!

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